Aladdin Knights of the Mystic Light

Aladdin Gatherings

Aladdin Knights meet once each year at a central location to learn more about antique lamps, improve their collections, and renew friendships. We call our conventions "Gatherings." Gathering events include educational seminars and display room, auction, the country's largest lamp show & sale and room trading. Full details are always in the Mystic Light newsletter for the annual Gatherings as well as regional meets.

Why attend the Gatherings? For fun! Where else can a lamp collector go to find so many lamps, parts, shades, bargains, and see the really rare and unusual items? Not to mention the knowledge available and the socializing with so many other people with your interest. Only once a year collectors gather to share their knowledge and wares. Our Auction and Show & Sale often set the trends for condition, rarity, and price of the coming year. The Gathering is the highlight of the year for many Knights.

Can I find lamps other than Aladdin at the Gathering? Absolutely, positively YES! Most of us collect more than just Aladdin lamps. We develop interest in other mantle lamps, other brands of lamps, other fuels, pattern glass lamps, night lights, history of lighting, etc. All lighting clubs are invited to Aladdin Gatherings. They prepare an educational booth in the Lamp Show & Sale and they present educational seminars about their lamps. The more you know—the stronger the hobby.

Who runs the Gatherings? The Gathering is sponsored by The National Association of Aladdin Lamp Collectors, Inc. We all volunteer, including Aladdin Knights wanting to host it in their city. These leaders are called General Knights. They in turn choose helpers, called Knights of the Roundtable, to be in charge of various events and activities. The Knights of the Roundtable in turn ask others to help them. You can learn much and meet new friends by volunteering to help.